the Antique by Tenor
Nhóm thiết kế
Nguyễn Quang Tuấn Chủ trì thiết kế
Thông tin dự án
Tenor Architects renovated an apartment on the top floor of a 5-storey apartment building located in Saigon, Vietnam. The architects have upgraded an existing single-bedroom and function-deficient apartment to accommodate a nuclear family first, and a place for rent on Airbnb, together with taking up the challenge to tell a story of Vietnamese architecture in the 1950s, but in a different way.
Loại công trìnhChung Cư
Hạng mụcThiết kế & xây dựng
Phong cáchVintage
Trạng tháiẢnh Hoàn Thiện
Phần mềm3D Max
Vị tríHồ Chí Minh, 1
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